ArcMorris is the leading provider of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families, in Morris County, NJ.

Incorporated in 1953 as the Morris County Unit of the New Jersey Parents Group for Children with I/DD, ArcMorris is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is the leading provider of services for people affected by intellectual and related developmental disabilities, and their families, in Morris County, NJ.
Our Mission
ArcMorris is dedicated to the care, support, and advancement of people with intellectual and related developmental disabilities and their families.
Our Vision
ArcMorris envisions a world in which people with intellectual and related developmental disabilities and their families are valued and have the opportunity to achieve their highest level of self-sufficiency, independence, and inclusion.
25 Residential Locations in the Community
15 Years average tenure of staff
3 New Programs in development
500 Family Members and growing
Our Values

We believe all people deserve respect, love, and understanding. We believe people are fundamentally the same, regardless of ability.

We firmly uphold a consistent and unwavering adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.

We strive to deliver the highest quality service possible for all those we serve.

Working well together is one of the keys to our success, and we love to celebrate those who go the extra mile.

Not only do we receive support from people and groups around the region, the individuals we serve are also known for giving back to their community.
Our Leadership

Naira Aslanyan
Chief Operating Officer / Associate Executive Director

Laura Jennings Pitt
Director of Development, Marketing, and PR

Kira Gumbinger
Assistant Director of Community-Based Services

Adrienne Valentine
Assistant Director of Intake & Family Support Services
973-326-9750 ext. 234 Adrienne's LinkedIn Page

Robert Fontana
Executive Assistant / Asst. Director of Development, Marketing, and PR
FY2024 - 2025 Board of Directors

Andrew Cattano ('27)

Thomas Horn ('27)

Kathleen Hyland ('26)

Karen Martin ('27)

Niloy Sengupta ('25)

Laura Sucharski ('25)
Board Officers

Katherine Cascioli ('25)

Irina Kogan ('26)
First Vice President

Michael Basile ('25)
Second Vice President

Mark DeLotto ('27)

Gwendolyn Utberg ('25)

Kathleen Ingargiola
Immediate Past President
“Their safety and health is what matters most to us.”